We love discovering Maison Mollerus photos on Instagram and sharing the highlights with our community. We will publish the most beautiful photos on our website and/or on our social media accounts @mollerusswiss and @MaisonMollerus . The name of the author is visible and will be published.
Photos with #hashtags related to Maison Mollerus will be reviewed and the owners of our favorite photos will be contacted. If you answer our request with the hashtag #yesMaisonMollerus , you give us permission to publish your picture.
By using the hashtag #yesMaisonMollerus you agree to the following terms:
You provide Maison Mollerus AG with a non-exclusive, royalty-free license that any images that you identify with the hashtag #yesMaisonMollerus may be used by us for marketing purposes (including advertising, publication on our website, newsletter, email and customer communication). We hereby guarantee that all rights to your images remain your property.
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